主題 : 注音符號郵票新郵預告
級別: 郵務員
UID: 7560
精華: 0
發帖: 3406
升級點數: 655 點
金錢: 8740 金幣
線上時間: 34(時)
註冊時間: 2018-06-13
最後登錄: 2025-03-10
樓主  發表於: 2022-11-22 09:32


中華郵政股份有限公司 中華民國112年1月
(112) 第 4 號
新 郵 預 告
一、 ㄅ:北投、溫泉。
二、 ㄆ:平溪、天燈。
三、 ㄇ:馬公、西瀛虹橋。
四、 ㄈ:富里、金針花。
五、 ㄉ:東港、黑鮪魚。
六、 ㄊ:頭份、油桐花。
七、 ㄋ:南竿、八八坑道。
八、 ㄌ:鹿谷、茶。
九、 ㄍ:觀音、蓮花。
十、 ㄎ:口湖、烏魚子。

Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.
Republic of China
Postage Stamps Issuing Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Information No. 4 (2023) November 2023
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols Postage Stamps (I)
The Mandarin Phonetic Symbols are an important means of teaching children to pronounce Mandarin Chinese and recognize traditional Chinese characters. To increase children’s interest in learning and their appreciation of the beauty of Taiwan, Chunghwa Post is designing a series of four sets of stamps. The first set contains ten stamps, each valued at NT$6, combining the symbols for “ㄅ,ㄆ,ㄇ,ㄈ,ㄉ,ㄊ,ㄋ,ㄌ,ㄍ,ㄎ” with specialities of local administrative areas. The ten stamps are in a se-tenant block and are to be issued on March 20, 2023. The designs are as follows:
ㄅ(b): Beitou (běi tóu), Hot Spring
ㄆ(p): Pingxi (píng xī), Sky Lantern
ㄇ(m): Magong (mǎ gōng), Xiying Rainbow Bridge
ㄈ(f): Fuli (fù lǐ), Long Yellow Daylily
ㄉ(d): Donggang (dōng gǎng), Bluefin Tuna
ㄊ(t): Toufen (tóu fèn), Tung Blossom
ㄋ(n): Nangan (nán gān), Tunnel 88
ㄌ(l): Lugu (lù gǔ), Tea
ㄍ(g): Guanyin (guān yīn), Lotus
ㄎ(k): Kouhu (kǒu hú), Mullet Roe
This set of stamps was designed by UP Creative Design and Advertising Corporation and printed by China Color Printing Co., Ltd. in color offset. By-issues including a first-day cover, folders with and without
crystal mounts, and a loose-leaf album page will be released along with the stamps and will go on sale on March 16, 2023. A pre-cancelled FDC with a full set of stamps will go on sale on March 20, 2023, the stamps’ date of issuance. For further information, please refer to the upcoming Philatelic Bulletin or Postal Service Today.

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