主題 : NEWS Security printing group rebrands to Cartor
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NEWS Security printing group rebrands to Cartor

Security printing group rebrands to Cartor
New Cartor branding
The new Cartor branding on the company’s UK premises

The security printing group comprising of UK-based International Security Printers (ISP)
and Walsall Security Printers (WSP), and France-based Cartor Security Printing, has rebranded
to become Cartor Security Printers.

The move, which reflects the way the company has grown and expanded in recent years,
has consolidated its existing brands to form a single unified identity.

A new logo based on the Cartor name style, which has been designed to reflect the company’s
security printing offering, includes a hero graphic to suggest a barrel lock, or fingerprint,
providing a creative and impactful nod to the ‘C’ of Cartor. The firm’s current website is being
completely redeveloped to reflect the rebrand and is scheduled for launch in January 2022.

As a security printer, Cartor Security Printers produces high-calibre print for a large global client
base from production sites in the UK and France. This includes work for more than 180 postal
administrations throughout the world, where the Cartor name has become synonymous
with highly creative and innovative stamp printing.

Whilst the new branding reflects this unique heritage, the company will be targeting new markets
where it can apply its expertise in print, ink and materials technology, to create highly innovative,
secure options for businesses with high monetary or intellectual value products and services.
From security printing to advanced track and trace/authentication capabilities, and tailor-made
consultancy services, Cartor’s wide-ranging and unique offer helps companies combat fraud to
better protect their brands and revenues.

Cartor managing director Ian Brigham said, ‘Both the existing ISP/WSP and Cartor parts of the
business are different in terms of offering, approach, communication and customers. Despite
complementing each other, the current configuration can be confusing for customers, so the time
is right to unite our brands under one identity.

‘With significant investment in plant and facilities, together with an experienced, skilled and
committed workforce, we believe that we are well placed to deliver an industry-leading security
printing service to global organisations in order to protect revenues, brands, and reputations.’

ISP recently invested in advanced hybrid print, finishing and inspection systems for barcoding
of postage stamps. ISP’s investment in hybrid production enables postal authorities worldwide t
o add unique barcodes to stamps and, by doing so, be able to offer their customers more conven
ient, new services in the future such as track and trace to provide protection against counterfeiting
and reuse. The barcodes, which can match stamp colour, sit alongside the main body of the stamp,
separated by a simulated perforation line.

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