主題 : Boston 2026 granted patronage by FIP
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樓主  發表於: 2022-08-12 10:31

Boston 2026 granted patronage by FIP

The International Federation of Philately (FIP) has approved patronage 
for the Boston 2026 World Expo, Boston 2026 public relations chair Thomas M. Fortunato 
said in an Aug. 9 press release.
Boston 2026 leadership initiated the request for classification and presented it to FIP delegates 
at the 76th FIP Congress commissions’ conference meeting and meeting of the associate members 
at the Indonesia 2022 World Stamp Championship in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 4-9. 
The request was approved without objection.
An FIP consultant to Boston 2026 will be appointed to work with exhibition management. 
Formal contract negotiation and signing by both organizations will follow in the upcoming year.
The collaboration between Boston 2026 and the FIP helps ensure a successful event for all involved,
 the press release said.Boston 2026 World Expo will take place May 23-30, 2026, 
at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center. Show details and instructions to sign up for 
email updates can be found on the expo’s website and via the expo’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

by Linn's staff,  Ausgust 11, 2022

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